As you've almost certainly noticed, urls around here have changed a bit. There was a short kerfuffle but everything is now in working order. As I promised several years ago, the main domain now points to the main site. To keep this blog reasonably easy to access, I've moved it to the
At some point, I'd like to set up something better for hosting and running my site/blog. I'm not sure what the specifics will look like yet, since I have a lot of options for hosting, blogging engines, etc. It's also not really necessary yet. As long as Google doesn't lay out plans to shut down Blogger (wouldn't surprise me, given the few updates it gets) I'm not in a huge rush to leave.
Still, it's something to consider. If I ever decide to try and make something bigger and more polished (Halberd, perhaps?), it would be nice to have something established for presenting another site. Moving out isn't a priority of mine, but it's somewhere on my radar.
For now, enjoy the shiny new URL!
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