4 Hugues Ross - Blog: Art, Take 2
Hugues Ross


Art, Take 2

Exactly one year ago, I posted some images showing my progress practicing pixel art. I've continued practicing since then, and I think the results are quite solid!

Let's get started with a quick review of the past year. Unlike last year's mostly unstructured practice, I've tried to aim for a few weaknesses in my art fundamentals and improve them. The main core skills I focused on were light and perspective, though I've been tentatively playing with anatomy and proportion lately. I also joined a couple of pixel art communities, which have been a very helpful source of critique.

With the stage set, let's make a few direct comparisons to last year:




Click the image for a full-size version

As you can see, I've made some pretty good progress! Of course, I did quite a bit more than this: Here's an album with some of this year's finished work.

If you're interested in seeing more as I continue practicing, I occasionally post work on Twitter and Pixeljoint.

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