4 Hugues Ross - Blog: Moving Day
Hugues Ross


Moving Day

Hi everyone, just a quick blog post to give advance notice.

On January 1st, this blog (and the associated site) will be completely replaced! I've rebuilt the site on a new hosting platform, and I'll be throwing the switch to turn it on. There might be some brief confusion after that, and everything will look very different, but hopefully it will be a quick and painless process.

In the meantime, here's a little heads-up:

  • The domain hasn't changed, but 'blog.huguesross.net' will become 'huguesross.net/blog'. I might try to set up a redirect if I don't forget, but bear that in mind.
  • RSS is being discontinued, but Atom will still be supported. The new atom feed will be at 'huguesross.net/feed.xml' once the transition is complete. Some of the other forms of content on the site will get their own feeds as well, so be sure to check the new site for those.
  • Aside from the subdomain, blog post permalinks should be the same as before. I won't be importing most of this blog's content initially though, please contact me if you want something back.
  • Most of the other pages on this site will change URLs, so if you had them bookmarked you'll have to go back and change them. Sorry!
  • This blog will still be up at 'df458.blogspot.com'. I might delete it eventually, but there's no ETA and it won't happen for at least several months.

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