4 Hugues Ross - Blog: Roundup, October 2017: Demo Time!
Hugues Ross


Roundup, October 2017: Demo Time!

As you can plainly see above, my little tussle with Glade has borne fruit in the form of a new DFGame demo! The editor module isn't completely finished, but I had enough to work with so I decided to make a video anyway. Now then, let's discuss how the demo (and by extension, the Editor Module) works.

Split Architecture

To understand the current architecture of DFGame, I think it's useful to first look at the original architecture of Halberd, my WIP RPG engine. Halberd's codebase spawned DFGame originally, so it's useful to see where things came from. As I explained back in 2015, Halberd (and later, DFGame) was split into 5 modules:
  • "Common" - Contained all code that worked in the editor and game
  • "Editor Backend" - Editor-specific code, without the UI
  • "Game Backend" - Game-specific code, without GLFW
  • "Editor Frontend" - The editor UI
  • "Game Frontend" - The game startup code, with stuff like window creation
When DFGame, I identified a couple weak points in this design. First of all, lumping nearly everything into a common module was a bit silly. Second, the backend/frontend concept felt somewhat unnecessary. To correct this, I created DFGame's current modules:
  • Core
  • Math
  • Audio
  • Graphics
  • Gameplay
  • Application
  • Editor
 The first 5 modules are fairly self-explanatory. The application module is the general equivalent to the "Game Frontend" module and the Editor module is the "Editor Frontend" and "Editor Backend" rolled into one. The idea is that both of these modules will implement a common API, allowing the game to run regardless of where it is. This is the most important part of setting up a robust set of development tools, ensuring that the game code and window/input code are seperated.

Vala Interop

Besides the architecture, there's a second detail needed to get DFGame's editor functionality working. Typically, the languages used to write software and the languages used to write games are different. This can lead to many issues getting games to embed nicely inside of their tools, especially if there are ABI incompatibilities between the languages.

This was one of my main reasons for picking Vala. The Vala compiler translates Vala code to C, so getting a Vala frontend to play nice with a C backend is quite simple. To make the triangle in the editor demo controllable from Vala, I only needed to write a simple binding treating it as a class.


To sum things up simply, building a good editor for your game requires two things:
  • An architecture that allows the game to run without the window/input code
  • A means of bridging the editor's language and the game's language (This could be as simple as using the same language for both)
Once you have both of these things handled, you can work on your editor without worrying much. Once I finish up the Editor module, I'll be able to do much more with DFGame. I'll still be focused on Singularity for the time being, but I'll still be working on this occasionally.

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